About Schools Anonymous

Welcome to Schools Anonymous, your on-line opportunity to help improve our schools across the nation! As the name implies, your thoughts, criticisms, and suggestions are completely anonymous. Over the course of the last six years as a school board member, nothing frustrated me more than to hear teachers and parents with brilliant ideas on school improvement not express their ideas out of fear. Teachers would tell me that they liked their job too much to say anything. Parents would tell me that they didn't want to 'rock the boat' out of fear some sort of retribution against their child. This is disappointing, especially in a time of renewed effort across our country to improve education. Now more than ever, superintendents in the majority of our schools are honestly seeking collective sollutions to educational problems. This isn't the time to remain silent. This is a time to make your voices heard!

What This Site Is:

Hopefully, this site will allow you to feel comfortable in offering your suggestions concerning ways your school districts can improve. Your name will not be known, and therefore you have nothing to fear.

What This Site Is NOT:

This site is not a place for disrespecting those who have dedicated their lives in helping our children succeed. We can have a frank, honest, and open discussion without fear, and without personal attacks. If you have a legitimate complaint then also try to offer a valid suggestion or solution to remedy the problem.